Senior BBC Nepali Journalist Rabindra Mishra quits job to enter Politics
Originally Published on | Noted celebrity journalist Rabindra Mishra who was the chief editor of BBC Nepali service has announced his resignation from his high profile job at BBC today on February 28, 2017, with an intent to enter into politics. In a statement released by Mishra, he has expressed his goal to transform Nepal within the lifetime of the present generation by laying the foundation for cultured politics. He says that such a foundation should be based on four pillars which are System, Transparency, Integrity and Meritocracy. Mishra further says that he is now ready to take the lead to establish the right political system in the country by starting a new political party which will be based on the above mentioned values and principles.
Rabindra Mishra is popularly known as a writer, philanthropist, poet, actor and the founder of voluntarily run global charity, Help Nepal Network which has chapters in 14 countries. His decision has come as a surprise to most Nepalese around the world but it is indeed a matter of great hope for Nepalese people who have become tired of witnessing the deceit and incompetence in Nepali politics. A lot of hope lies in Mishra because he represents an ordinary and educated Nepali who has displayed exemplary leadership capabilities in the social and journalism sector over the past decades. It is a known reality that many political parties in Nepal have come and gone with the tag of being a new political force but all those parties had those same old hideous faces in the leadership positions. Atleast, the new generation can hope from Mishra because he has the kind of postitive influence and vast experience which he has earned by working all these years as a reputed journalist and social entrepreneur. There is no doubt in the fact that Mishra can make a colossal contribution to lead the country into a new paradigm of prosperity.
We know that the decision that Mishra took was never an easy one. He has already earned a lot of name and fame contributing his life in the journalism sector. He had a high profile job with a pay of around USD 6,000 per month but he finally decided to take the step into a new territory. We hope that Rabindra Mishra will be an answer to all those Nepali youth around the world who were looking for a right person to show up in Nepali Politics. We hope Mr. Mishra can stand up to the expectations of the common Nepalese Youth by clearing the filth surrounding the Nepalese political scenario. Yes, it is the hour that we can make an effort for integrity and prosperity of our country Nepal. The time is now or never. Best wishes to Mr. Mishra for his new innings as a political leader.
Rabindra Mishra released a press statement on his blog today. The link to his full statement is given below.